Sunday, April 26, 2009

No One Hollers for a Momma

After purchasing a stroller and having a not-so-successful jaunt to the mall with it, I decided maybe Lily would enjoy taking it outside on a walk. It was a beautiful spring day. The weather had finally warmed up and there was no rain in sight. People were outside everywhere. Cars had their music blasting, windows rolled down.

It was the kind of day where a cute girl might just get hollered at by a group of testosterone-filled guys passing in a car. You all know what I'm talking about. A little whistle. A little "woo-hoo" or "look at that lovely lady" or something similar or even more vulgar.

Sure, you can say how offended you are whenever a guy hoots at you while you're walking. But I know you would rather that he did than he didn't. It doesn't hurt to know that someone's lookin'.

There was a time, not so long ago when I was that girl. What is it, guys? You no longer find my puke-encrusted billowy blouse sexy? The crop jogging pants just not doing it for you? You don't like the extra 10 pounds of fab baby flab? Whatever. This is the best I've looked in weeks. Heck, months, if I'm being honest. No less than 5 carloads full of testosteroney guys passed and not even one would waste their breath to whistle for a momma.

Anyways, let's talk about the really important part of this post: Lily didn't cry once on our walk!

1 comment:

Melissa Deline said...

LMAO.. Love this post! Coming at ya from MBC!!